In this article we will take you through the steps to create a new menu from scratch.
Now that you have your account and venue details already set up, let's start with the meat of things, which is, of course, building your menu!
Once you log into the My Menu platform, make your way to MENU on the left hand side of your screen and click the "ADD" button, and "Start from Scratch", as shown in the image below.
Once you click on 'CONTINUE' a new window will pop up with the following fields to fill out.
Menu title: Some examples are 'Food Menu', 'Drinks Menu' or 'Christmas Menu'
Description: Type a short description of your menu
Image: Upload an image that will show in the background of your menu.
PDF Menu: Select this option only if you wish to use your PDF menu
IRD Menu: IRD means "In-Room-Dining". Select this option if your menu applies
Published: Select to make your menu visible
Visibility: Select where your menu will be visible to consumers
Availability: select the applicable option to display your menu
Save or cancel: save your changes